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Aug. 24, 2022

Mushrooms: Supplements 101

Mushrooms: Supplements 101

Mushrooms are a valuable food and medicine, but which ones are best? Are they safe during treatment for cancer? What’s the proper dose? Do they really affect immune function? Tina & Leah discuss all of this and more from a practical- and as always-naturopathic perspective.

The use of mushrooms dates back thousands of years. As a food, mushrooms add nutrients like vitamin D, B vitamins and even protein to your diet. As a medicine, all mushrooms contain components that help support proper immune system balance. 

In addition, each mushroom (shitake, reishi, turkey tail, cordyceps, lion’s mane, maitake, and even button!) has its own action on the body that helps support energy production, brain health, lung/ kidney function, etc, etc. 

In this episode, Tina & Leah discuss the do’s and the don’ts when using mushrooms during and after treatment for cancer. Tune in, we guarantee you’ll hear something useful. Or your money back!

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Links we mentioned on this episode and other cool stuff:

Immune effects of mushrooms in cancer care.  Integr Med

Mushrooms for cancer US Dept Veterans Affairs

Medicinal Mushrooms PDQ National Cancer Institute

Health Benefits of mushrooms International J of Microbiology

Eating more mushrooms is associated with lower cancer risk Advances in Nutrition

Mushrooms make vitamin D from sunshine Nutrients

Reishi and Turkey Tail improve life for those with cancer Frontier in Pharmacology

Anatomy of a mushroom (illustrator’s site) Jamie Green

Mushroom tutorial Brandeis University 

Reishi benefits as complementary treatment Cochrane Database Syst Rev

Shiitake led to an allergic reaction in 2 people J Allergy Clin Immunol

Links below for  info on individual medicinal mushrooms. Memorial Sloan Kettering

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